Seit über einem Jahr ist Mary Armstrong-Reiner als Interims-Pastorin bei der Kirchengemeinde.
Pastor Mary Armstrong-Reiner
Interim pastor, St. John Lutheran, Griffin, GA.
Aktivitäten der Pastorin zu Zeiten von Covid-19
In der Zeit der Corona-Pandemie ist die Pastorin besonders gefordert. Durch eine Entscheidung des Kirchengemeinde-Councils wurde das Gemeindezentrum am 16. März von einem Tag auf den anderen geschlossen. Es bleibt (Stand Ende März) bis mindestens Ende April zu. Die Pastorin muss nunmehr aus der Ferne von ihrem Zuhause aus die Gemeinde zusammen halten.
In der weitläufigen Gegend sind digitale Medien elementar. Sie mailt und ruft alle Gemeindefamilien wöchentlich an, organisiert tägliche Andachten über FaceBook, die beiden wöchentlichen Gottesdienste am Mittwoch Abend und am Sonntag Morgen finden nunmehr als LiveStream statt und werden über FaceBook und YouTube direkt übertragen und können von dort auch zeitversetzt abgerufen werden. Pastor Mary organisiert das Nähen von Atemmasken für das Krankenhaus, organisiert Hilfsdienste für diejenigen, die Unterstützung brauchen und erledigt auch selbst Botengänge für Gemeindeglieder. Wie vielfältig sie beschäftigt ist, kann man aus verschiedenen E-Mails ersehen, die sie an die Mitglieder der Kirchengemeinde geschickt hat.
E-Mails der Pastorin an ihre Gemeinde März 2020
E-Mails von Pastor Mary seit dem Ausbruch von Covid-19
I’m getting ready to send out a note to everyone for online worship on Sunday. Just so you know, the church council has decided to keep the church closed indefinitely, which more than likely means at least to the end of April. Our Synod assembly has been canceled.
The bishop’s hands are very full right now trying to work with all the congregations in our four states.
How are things going for you all? Have the numbers changed, or have they gone up or gone flat for Covid 19? We have had more cases in Georgia although we still have counties that have no known cases. The problem is there’s not enough tests here.
E-Mails an die Gemeinde St John in Griffin
March 16
“Seek the Lord and God's strength; seek God's presence continually!" 1 Chronicles 16:11
"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." Jn 14:27
Sisters and brothers at St. John! This is Pastor Mary writing to you, putting together my first Constant Comment mailing to you all.
If you have not already seen the message, here is the news on St. John:
After church yesterday (March 15), the council met, and has decided to close the doors of the church for all events, including outside groups (in the building) starting yesterday. Everyone except staff and some council members are asked to stay out of the building. If you need something at church, please call ahead to set up a time as we are not opening the doors at this time. I will be available by phone, and you can call or text me for the quickest response.
The building will not be open, nor will any worship be held at the church till at least Palm Sunday, April 5th. Things could change so please read what we send to you, and we will stay in touch with you too.
Before I share some of the steps we are taking, let me say that the church is here for you. We will check on those whom we haven’t already heard from, and who weren't at church on Sunday to see how you are doing. We will gladly lift up prayer, drop food or health items off at your door. I will visit if you wish that.
Even if we aren’t at worship together, we will be together in spirit. We may need to be physically apart, but we don’t need to be socially or spiritually apart. WE will be sending out devotions, hymns, and some worship materials (may be written or recorded) allmost every day. At the very least, we will send out Wednesday night worship materials, and Sunday worship. I'm not sure how it will all look but I will be working on this all week.
We are still sorting out whether we can get yesterday's service on You Tube. We will share when we are able to do that.
I am encouraging all people of St. John to reach out to one another by phone or text or e-mail to stay in touch, and I and another member of church, council, or another person at church, will be calling each week, at least one time a week, to check on each family, and see how we can pray for you, and how we can be of help to you.
I will be sending a quick special announcement for a need in our community.
Repeat information:
If you are on Facebook, but aren’t part of the St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church @StJohnGriffin, I encourage you to do so. We are hoping to be able to live stream the service this coming Sunday at 10 a.m. It should be on the page even after the service is over. Or you can join us online at 10 a.m. this Sunday.
I will be staying in touch as often as there is something, please leave me a message, and I’ll be back in touch. You can also e-mail me or call me on my phone.
Please know that God is with us, and we are all in this together. I will do my imperfectly best to be there for you. My kids are out of school for the next two weeks, doing school work at home, and David and I will be splitting up time to be home as Christopher will need us to stay on track. But I’m just a phone call away.
God is indeed our refuge and our help in times of trouble. Lean on your faith, and know that you are all being supported in prayer for health, safety, and what ever else you may need.
Peace be with you,
Pastor Mary
March 20
As each day passes, and more cases are confirmed, as well as deaths, and as many know there are many more unconfirmed cases, I think it is wishful thinking to plan to be together on Palm Sunday. I will be talking to the council later this week, and will share more with you as we prayerfully deliberate what will be our next steps.
I will be out on Tuesday and Thursday, but may be running errands for those in need of help.
I have enjoyed the conversations and texts on the phone this week with many of you. I have a few more calls to make. I will take the rest of Sunday and Monday off but will return with devotions on Monday night at 7 EST on facebook, and hopefully YouTube.
If you need anything at all, please call or text me.
Don't hesitate as I am here for you.
Please know that I am praying for you all, whether you are working, or studying, resting, or laying low, you all are also lifted up in prayer this day.
Pastor Mary
I am collecting names and numbers of people at church who are younger then 60, and would be able to pick up a pharmacy or grocery order and drop at a member's home in case they can't go out. Being a part of this list doesn't mean that you are obligated to say yes if the time and date doesn't work for you or your circumstances have changed. Please e-mail me at: or text me to let me know your name, what days and times you are available, and the best number to call you for those who might need help. Please also list your town as we have people all over the area. Thanks in advance for those willing to help!
March 22
Good afternoon everyone!
Thanks to all who joined me for worship today. That is still on our FB page, and you are welcome to invite others to join our page.
Savannah Harvil has been able to set up a YouTube channel for the church. If I do this correctly, click on this link, and it will take you straight to our page. There you will find the devotions, Sunday worship, and music from different artists. The link is:
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Savannah! She has the service from today, and our Friday fun devotions on there. She should be able to add the devotions this week.
There will be live devotions Monday through Friday at 7 p.m. Friday is Friday fun night. Wear a fun or festive hat, take a picture to share with me (I have seen none from last week so please share), and David and I will share some Bible humor, Bible trivia, and prayer requests.
Some of you have asked about giving, and you can either mail in your check or try out our tithe.lyaccount. You can give on line with a small service fee. I am going to try it out the next time that I give. Here is the link for that:
As I have said, please don't worry about giving if you have lost your job, or money is tight. If you can still give, we are thankful and grateful as every dollar helps. Bless you all!
5 Loaves and 2 fish are out of toilet paper to give out to those in need. If you have any to spare, either drop it off at their offices, or I'll try and see if I can put a box outside of the church for collections. I can drop items donated on Thursday afternoon.
There is a pattern out to make face masks for hospital personnel. You can drop them off at any Joann's store. The pattern is on my facebook page or you can find it at: Let me know if you need to drop them off at church in a box outside church starting Tuesday, and I will get them to the hospital or area clinic's. Thanks in advance!
That's all for now. Enjoy your Sunday!
Pastor Mary
Let us pray. God of mercy, we come before you seeking your care as we lift up all in our lives who are struggling right now. We pray for our world in crisis, for all the families who are in mourning at the loss of their loved ones this week, and past weeks. We humbly beseech you to hear our prayers, and to give us a sense of your loving presence in this difficult time. We ask you to continue to guide us, and help us to do what is best for others by loving from a distance. Help us to stay connected to others in new and old ways. Use us to be a blessing to others. We ask this all in Jesus name,